start of  tested the test tutorial of the site
A. Install and configure git in your PC

1. Install gitk and git-core from Synaptic Package Manager.
2. Create a free account in
          Set your username cention-[Your First Name]-[Your Last Name]. For example my username is cention-madhuri-debnath.
          Set your emailaddress as your cention webmail account email address
          Set your password as cention webmail account password
3. Run the following command:
         $ git config --global "your email address"
         $ git config --global "your user name"
4. Generate SSH key for github by following the instructions from the link
      $ cd ~/.ssh
      $ ls
      $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
      $ only Enter
      $ only Enter
      $ ls -l
      $ ctrl+h -> open in editor '' -> copy all -> paste to
  '' SSH keys + title=cention mail
      $ ssh -T

B. GIT commands

1. to initialized empty Git repository in /.git/ 
   $ git init

2. To see git status
   $ git statu­s

3. to add a new file
   $ git add octoc­at.txt
   3.1. to add file of similar type
    $ git add '*.tx­t'

4. to commit the change
   $ git commi­t -m "Add cute octoc­at story­"

5. to download or synchronize pc with the server copy
   $ git pull
   5.1  to download the repository
    $git pull

6. to up the file in the server
   $ git push
   $ git push --all
   $ git push orgin master

7. Push an existing repository from the command line
   $ git remote add origin
   $ git push -u origin master

8. steps to add new branch in the server
   8.1     create branch as of origin
    $ git checkout -tb feature-add-email-tracking origin/master
   8.2     to add the new files
    $ git add modules/cention_workflow/outbound.osm
   8.2  to commit the new files
        $ git commit -m "feature outbound.osm link tracking for email campaign"
   8.3  to update the server with the change
        $ git push origin feature-add-outboundosm-link-tracking-email-campaign

9. to see git the branches
   $ git branch
   9.1 to see all git branches
       $ git branch -a :: to see all branches

10. to remove a file from being commited or to change the branch
    $ git checkout filename or brachname

11. to clone a repository
    $git clone -o origin