The administrator needs to do additional configuration specifically on MS Windows is:

A. Set the OS username as a value for "Log on as a batch job" privilege.
For Windows 2000, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local
Policies -> User Right Assignment and set the the OS username as a value for
"Log on as a batch job" privilege.

B. Check the check box "Allow service to interact with desktop" for BI Forms 10g Process Manager.
For Windows 200, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services ->
OraclexxxxxxProcessManager (the process manager service for BI Forms Home) -> Double
click it -> Click "Log on" tab page and check "Allow service to interact with desktop" check box

oracle 10.2.0 g on window vista. i can not set the host credential for EM. I Tried with following steps :
1. Control Panel, Administrative Tools.
2. Click on Local Security Policy.
3. Local Policies, User Rights Assignment.
4. Double click, 'Log on as a batch job'
here add username
i use 2 users : samir and oracle both users are member of ora_dba group.
First time it accepts the username and password but thenafter windows display an error message
"OEM executable stopped working and was closed. A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Window will notify you if solution is available"