Download and install VirtualBox There are possibilities of different versions based on your Operating System. Here we worked with VirtualBox-6.1.14-140239-Win

B. Download EBS Software
On the  Oracle Software Delivery Cloud page: https://edelivery.oracle.com/osdc/faces/SoftwareDelivery
1. Login with your credentials
2. Search by Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for Oracle E-Business Suite
3. Select Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.6
4. Continue in the Download Queue
5. Accept Licence & Download
6. A software for download will be downloaded name eg.Oracle_SSN_DLM_12130645.exe

7. Unzip All the files by any utility like winzip or 7zip etc.
8. Merge the unzip files with command prompt in the following way 
type Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.00 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.01 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.02 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.03 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.04 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.05 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.06 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.07 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.08 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.09 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.10 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.11 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.12 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.13 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.14 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.15 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.16 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.17 Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.18 > Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova

It takes at least 1 to 2 hours or even more based on your Processor/Memory to get the merged file.

9. Import Appliance
At this stage, you should have at least 400 gigabytes or the process aborts. You may need to delete the zip files to make room for the import.

Adjust RAM memory keep 30% for Main CPU. Also adjust Graphics controller to VMSVGA 

For Networking, you can attach Adapter as:
Bridged Adapter (the default setting)
NAT or Host-Only Adapter.

11. Start the VM
      Set the IP when it is prompted 

12. Login & Password reset
13. EBS demo Application install
At a certain point during the post-install process you will be prompted to:

select whether to add start or stop of the database and application tier processes to the OS boot script.

Enter VISION to configure the Vision Demo instance.

14. Step – 5 Access to E-Business suite VISION.
To access the EBS Application from your website you will have to make minor changes in the

Windows host file by:

Getting the IP address of the VM using ifconfig -a on the terminal.
Edit the file on your Windows, add a line in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
(You may have to temporarily change permissions if you do have Administrator privileges)

<IP address> apps.example.com apps

Use an SSH client, like Putty to ssh to the file system and explore the operating system installation.

To Start the application
./adstrtal.sh apps/apps

Use http://apps.example.com:8000 to access EBS Application

The default passwords are:

All these passwords could be changed but you can keep them as they are until you get used to the Apps.

But if you feel the need to change, connect to the VM through SSH as oracle:

Change directory to:  /u01/install/APPS/scripts

You will find a script to change the password for Sysadmin and for the Demo users.

[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./enableSYSADMIN.sh

[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./enableDEMOusers.sh

If you want to access the db 
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/install/APPS
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/install/APPS/12.1.0

use sys as sysdba and enter the EBSDB schema.